About Me

Avatar of Willem

Willem Sleegers

I'm a Senior Behavioral Scientist at Rethink Priorities. Rethink Priorities is a research organization that houses a bunch of cool people who support and conduct research to inform policymakers and major foundations about how to best help people and nonhuman animals, in both the present and the long-term future. I am part of the Survey and Data Analysis team, which means I conduct research on attitude assessments and attitude change, using surveys and experimental studies.

Before joining Rethink Priorities, I was an assistant professor in the Department of Social Psychology at Tilburg University. I still maintain an affilation with Tilburg University as I continue to be involved in several academic projects and still do the things that academics do (e.g., publish papers, present at conferences).

On this website you can find information about some of the projects I'm involved in. Besides writing about these projects, I also blog about various topics, including tutorials and opinion pieces.

This website's look was inspired by Jolly Coding and is created using Next.js, shadcn/ui, velite, and Quarto.